
Dr. Heather Smith receives Provost’s Faculty Award

Categories: News

Geography professor receives Provost’s Faculty Award for Community Engagement Heather Smith, professor of geography in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, is the 2014 recipient of the Provost’s Faculty Award for Community Engagement. Established in 2012, the award honors a tenured faculty member whose teaching, research and service embodies the University’s commitment to civic […]

Funded Graduate Assistantships for Spring 2015 entry into Geography Graduate programs at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte.

Categories: News

UNC Charlotte Geography Graduate Programs – Funded Assistantships Spring 2015

Congratulations to Angel Hjarding, PhD Student in Geography and Urban Regional Analysis

Categories: News

Congratulations to Angel Hjarding, PhD Student in Geography and Urban Regional Analysis, on receipt of a grant to participate in a NSF funded workshop and symposium at the Biodiversity Informatics Standards (TDWG), also known as the Taxonomic Databases Working Group, conference October 27-31 in Jönköping, Sweden. This is a competitive grant to pay the expenses […]

2014 Marvin Collins Planning Award

Categories: News

Janni Sorensen and former MA student Dylan McKnight were awarded a 2014 Marvin Collins Planning Award in the Graduate Student Project category for their work on the Reid Park Vision Plan and Dylan’s capstone MA project. This annual award is given by the North Carolina Chapter of the American Planning Association and will be received […]

NSF Grant

Categories: News

Brian Magi and colleagues from Yale and the University of Oregon were recently notified that their project titled “Collaborative Research: Testing Hypotheses About Fire Using Data Syntheses and Fire Modeling” was selected for funding by the NSF Geography and Spatial Sciences program. A full abstract is at

Niner Nation Weather Display

Categories: News

UNC Charlotte meteorology students can now showcase their weather research online and in a new campus display unit in the front lobby of the McEniry building, as a result of meteorology student Warren Pettee’s Charlotte Research Scholars summer project. Pettee completed his project, the Niner Nation Weather display, under the guidance of faculty mentors Matt […]

Immigration Twitter to follow

Categories: News

Congratulations to Dr. Paul McDaniel, 2013 graduate of our PhD program in Geography and Urban Regional Analysis, (Advisor Dr. Heather Smith) for his recognition by the CEA (Consumer Electronics Association) as one of 11 twitter accounts to follow for information about skilled immigration reform. Paul’s coverage is included among a prestigious and influential group that […]

Congratulations to Melissa Currie, PhD Student in Geography and Urban Regional Analysis

Categories: News

Congratulations to Melissa Currie, PhD Student in Geography and Urban Regional Analysis for her receipt of the Graduate School’s 2014-2015 Joanna R. Baker Memorial Graduate Fellowship and for her invitation to attend the 2014 Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) PhD Workshop at Harvard University this coming August. See Melissa’s spotlight in the most […]

Congratulations to Claire Schuch, PhD Student in Geography and Urban Regional Analysis

Categories: News

Congratulations to Claire Schuch, PhD Student in Geography and Urban Regional Analysis on her receipt of one of the highly competitive National Science Foundation’s Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants for her research “Socio-Spatial Geographies of Youth Accessing the Urban Labor Market”.

Congratulations to Thad Dixon who successfully defended (June 6th) and submitted his PhD dissertation to the Graduate School.

Categories: News

Congratulations to Thad Dixon who successfully defended (June 6th) and submitted his PhD dissertation to the Graduate School. His dissertation is titled, “Exploring Latino Healthcare Service Provision in a Pre-emerging Immigrant Gateway State”. Dr. James Thaddeus Dixon will be officially awarded his doctorate in Geography and Urban Regional Analysis at the graduation ceremonies in December.