Geographers Meet, Big Student Turnout, Dennis Lord Honored

The Department of Geography and Earth Sciences hosted more than 150 geographers at this year’s Applied Geography Conference on October 23-25 in Uptown Charlotte. Thanks to faculty, staff and graduate students, the conference was a true team effort. Student turnout was outstanding — 27 of our graduate students discussed their research, presented posters, organized panels, conducted workshops, and chaired sessions in a wide variety of subject areas. They are, indeed, an impressive group! Charlotte’s Assistant City Manager and Director of Planning, Design and Development, Mr. Taiwo Jaiyeoba, delivered the keynote address; and friends, family, colleagues, past students and industry professionals honored our very own Dr. Dennis Lord for his 35 years of research, teaching, mentoring and service contributions to the study and practice of applied geography. The program, abstracts and photos from the conference can be viewed at