Lauren Decker

Lauren Decker

•PhD Student
Meteorology, Geoscience Education Research, Spatial Thinking
McEniry 416

Research/Teaching Areas:

  1. Meteorology
  2. Geoscience Education Research
  3. Spatial Thinking


M.S. (2023) Earth Sciences, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
B.S. (2021) Meteorology, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte

I am a recent graduate from UNC Charlotte where my research focused on spatial thinking skills
in undergraduate meteorology majors. I will be teaching METR 1102 (Introduction to
Meteorology) and ESCI 1101 (Introduction to Physical Geography). I was the TA for METR 1102
throughout my master’s degree and was honored to be the winner of the National Association of
Geoscience Teachers (NAGT) TA Award as well as a finalist in the UNC Charlotte Outstanding Graduate TA
Award for the 22-23 school year.

If you have any questions about the department, I would love to chat with you! My door is
always open so please do not hesitate to stop by.